I tested different loops. Here is my test script :
┌─(yoda@ev5)(14:32:05) └─(~/var/www/test)-> cat for_foreach_while.php #!/usr/bin/php <?php define('N', "\n"); error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE); $nbLoop = 10000; $testArray = array_fill(0, 500, 'toto'); $time = array(); $desc = array( 'iterating an array with a count + for', 'iterating an array with a foreach', 'iterating an array with a while', ); /** * iterating with for */ echo 'Starting test 1'.N; $time[0]['start'] = microtime(true); for($i = 0; $i < $nbLoop; $i++) { $nb = count($testArray); for($j = ($nb - 1); $j > 0; $j--) { } } $time[0]['stop'] = microtime(true); echo 'Test 1 ended'.N; /** * iterating with foreach */ echo 'Starting test 2'.N; $time[1]['start'] = microtime(true); for($i = 0; $i < $nbLoop; $i++) { foreach($testArray as $k => $v) { } } $time[1]['stop'] = microtime(true); echo 'Test 2 stopped'.N; /** * iterating with while(list() = each()) */ echo 'Starting test 3'.N; $time[2]['start'] = microtime(true); for($i = 0; $i < $nbLoop; $i++) { while(list($k, $v) = each($testArray)) { } reset($testArray); } $time[2]['stop'] = microtime(true); echo 'Test 3 ended'.N; $differences = array(); echo 'results: '.N; foreach($time as $k => $t) { echo 'echo test '.$k.' "'.sprintf('%40s', $desc[$k]).'" : '.($difference[$k] = $t['stop'] - $t['start']).N; }
And the results are :
┌─(yoda@ev5)(14:32:47) └─(~/var/www/test)-> php for_foreach_while.php Starting test 1 Test 1 ended Starting test 2 Test 2 stopped Starting test 3 Test 3 ended results: echo test 0 " iterating an array with a count + for" : 0.489103078842 echo test 1 " iterating an array with a foreach" : 0.750061988831 echo test 2 " iterating an array with a while" : 4.91836500168
The winner is count+for, followed by foreach, and while is far behind. I suppose it's because of the reset.
PHP: 5.2.12 (debian) in CLI
Special thanks to Folliked for remembering me that while still exists ;)
1 De tight -
Euh... dans ta boucle count+for, tu n'accèdes pas à la valeur de ton tableau (alors que tu l'as avec foreach)
En ajoutant "$v = $testArray[$j]", on obtient une boucle équivalente au foreach (0.425 vs 0.436 chez moi).
Marrant de voir le while, j'avais pas vu ça depuis... longtemps ! ;)
2 De Nodashi -
à la place de faire : define('N', "\n");
Pourquoi ne pas utiliser directement la constante PHP_EOL ?