PHP bench: isset vs array_key_exists

I tested the rapidity of isset vs array_key_exists. I always thougt that array_key_exists would be the winner ...

Here is my script :

└─(~/var/www/test)-> cat isset_array-key-exists.php 
define('N', "\n");
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE);
$nbLoop = 10000;
$testArray = array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'quux');
$time = array();
$desc = array(
    0 => 'array_key_exists on existant key',
    1 => 'array_key_exists on non existant key',
    2 => 'isset on existant key',
    3 => 'isset on non existant key',
 * begin with array_key_exists, existant key
$time[0]['start'] = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $nbLoop; $i++) {
    array_key_exists('foo', $testArray);
$time[0]['stop'] = microtime(true);
 * begin with array_key_exists, non existant key
$time[1]['start'] = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $nbLoop; $i++) {
    array_key_exists('foz', $testArray);
$time[1]['stop'] = microtime(true);
 * begin with isset, existant key
$time[2]['start'] = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $nbLoop; $i++) {
$time[2]['stop'] = microtime(true);
 * begin with isset, non existant key
$time[3]['start'] = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < $nbLoop; $i++) {
$time[3]['stop'] = microtime(true);
$differences = array();
echo 'results: '.N;
foreach($time as $k => $t) {
    echo 'test '.$k.' "'.sprintf('%40s', $desc[$k]).'" : '.($difference[$k] = $t['stop'] - $t['start']).N;

And here is the results :

└─(~/var/www/test)-> php isset_array-key-exists.php 
test 0 "        array_key_exists on existant key" : 0.00795984268188
test 1 "    array_key_exists on non existant key" : 0.00665903091431
test 2 "                   isset on existant key" : 0.00737690925598
test 3 "               isset on non existant key" : 0.00131511688232

And the winner is : isset !

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