Here is a little tip to display the latest posts of your dotclear blog in your symfony website.
Create a connection
If your blog database is in an other database than symfony's one, you need to create a connection in the /config/databases.yml
. Otherwise, skip this step
Mine looks like this :
[yml] dev: beta: param: classname: DebugPDO test: beta: param: classname: DebugPDO all: symfony: class: sfDoctrineDatabase param: classname: DoctrinePDO dsn: mysql:dbname=mysymfonydbanem;host=localhost username: mysymfonyusername password: mysymfonypassword encoding: utf8 persistent: true pooling: true blog: class: sfDoctrineDatabase param: classname: DoctrinePDO dsn: mysql:dbname=myblogdbname;host=localhost username: myblogusername password: myblogpassword encoding: utf8 persistent: true pooling: true
Create Dotclear models from the database
You must create models from the database to be able to retrieve the posts
$ ./symfony doctrine:build-schema --env=blog $ ./symfony doctrine:build-model
As you can see, some Dc*.class.php are now created in the /lib/model/doctrine/
Fetching latests posts
In your controller (actions.class.php), use and customize this request :
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->posts = Doctrine_Query::create() ->from('DcPost p') ->where('p.post_status = 1') ->orderBy('p.post_creadt DESC') ->limit(5) ->execute(); }
Displaying posts
<?php foreach($posts as $post) : ?> <div class="blog_box"> <h5><a href="#"><?php echo $post->getPostTitle() ?></a></h5> <?php echo __('Posted by') ?> <a href="<?php echo $post->getPostUrl() ?>"><span><?php echo $post->getDcUser()->getUserDisplayname () ?></span></a> <?php echo __('in') ?> <a href="#"><span><?php echo $post->getDcCategory()->getCatTitle() ?></span></a><br /> <?php echo substr(strip_tags($post->getRawValue()->getPostContentXhtml()), 0, 40).'...' ?><br /> <div class="datetime"><?php echo $post->getPostCreadt() ?></div> </div> <?php endforeach; ?>
and that's it, you made it ! :)
PS: This howto is maybe somehow wrong, I made those steps few times before making this working. Feel free to correct.
Update 1 : Added a where clause to select only posts where post_status = 1. Added the link to the post